
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

The RadX Orphans
A pilot game featuring a mysterious nurse at an agency called New Humans that wants to help its agents escape from their work environment in danger of being exposed as "The RadX Orphan." The players must solve clues and navigate through the organization's security protocols before finding, aiding them with information on what happened to former members.
5.00 (from 5 reviews)
These games are similar to The RadX Orphans ...
Cyber-Monkey Archipelago   - A Push-powered cyber-pirate fantasy game
The Steadfast and the Rebellious   - A storytelling RPG where you generate a city and its freedom fighters with a deck of cards
Scoundrels Versus Scoundrels   - An ultralight, GMless, press-your-luck style extralegal mayhemfest for 2-6 players
Le Cercle des Vœux, un lieu d'aventure pour Mausritter   - Une aventure sous la pluie, créée dans le cadre du 50e concours de scénario de JDR de la Cour d'Obéron
The Nostalgia for Norull / La Nostalgia por Norull / A Nostalgia por Norull   - A fantasy adventure game for 1-4 players based on the Push SRD
Deux Étés   - Vivez deux inoubliables aventures à 30 ans d'écart !
Rojo Kumite   - A TTRPG about unethical underground fighting.
Le Guide Du Voyageur Interdimensionnel   - Un guide de voyage en solitaire dans des dimensions imaginaires
The Fires of Chaterra: One Shot Edition   - One Night Worlds: Wake the slumbering king before the kingdom burns
Relics of Danoria   - A Push-powered fantasy adventure game
Push SRD   - A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games
The Abyss pushes back   - Supernatural investigations powered by PUSH
The RadX Orphans is similar to...
Le Cercle des Vœux, un lieu d'aventure pour Mausritter   - Une aventure sous la pluie, créée dans le cadre du 50e concours de scénario de JDR de la Cour d'Obéron
Pushed into annother World   - An Isekai - RPG powered by the PUSH-System
Scoundrels Versus Scoundrels   - An ultralight, GMless, press-your-luck style extralegal mayhemfest for 2-6 players
Ironsworn_bong_oracle   - les oracles du jdr solo Ironsworn compilé dans un deck
The Fires of Chaterra: One Shot Edition   - One Night Worlds: Wake the slumbering king before the kingdom burns
Shadow of the Adversary   - A Push-powered TTRPG about members of the resistance fighting against an Evil Lord
The Nostalgia for Norull / La Nostalgia por Norull / A Nostalgia por Norull   - A fantasy adventure game for 1-4 players based on the Push SRD
Tu es un papillon   - Jeu lyrique, introspectif et queer
Au Seuil de la Mort   - Un hexcrawl d'exploration de l'Au-delà
Push the Devil Away   - Play as an entity in a paranormal investigator's body while fighting the Devil.
Jouer un personnage   - Jouer un personnage de jeu de rôle, une aide de jeu
Rojo Kumite   - A TTRPG about unethical underground fighting.
If you like (5e) WASTELAND WONDERS check out...
Lay On Hands   - A solo, dexterity TTRPG about being a weird healer in a post-apocalyptic wasteland
Courier   - A solo exploration RPG about delivering cargo across a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The Wasteland Covenant, a post-apocalypse ttrpg Told by Travelers   - A post-apocalyptic game Told by Travelers
Marvelous Mutations & Merry Musicians!   - a game about post-post-apocalyptic kinda-solarpunk musicians travelling the once-wastelands
Wastoid (WIP)   - Gonzo post-apocalyptic RPG
riding past the end of the world   - a post-apocalyptic journal adventure.
Songs For The Dusk   - A post-apocalyptic sci-fantasy tabletop RPG about building a better future.
Taintedweald   - Post-Apocalyptic forest-crawl
TORQ: rallyraid roleplaying   - post-apocalyptic car-PG
NUKED!   - A Post Apocalyptic Knave Hack.
Weeds in the Waste   - A game about tending a garden in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
Pokemon Dungeon Crawler   - Play as a Pokémon in a post-human world, exploring dungeons and abandoned structures in search of treasure.
If you like GALACTIC 2E - Version Française check out...
going rogue 2e   - a gm-less ttrpg inspired by rogue one, about war, rebellion, and making the ultimate sacrifice
Sodalitas   - Un jeu de rôle / A roleplaying game
Aventures en une page · Saison 1   - Une collection d'aventures bon enfant
Far From Home   - A game about immigrants and outsiders
The Survivor: a Galactic 2e Playbook   - Haunted by their past, the survivor runs because they're not sure what else to do. For Riley Rethal's Galactic 2E
Venture & Dungeon   - two tabletop roleplaying games with a new perspective on the traditional high fantasy genre.
SAGA HÉROÏQUE (MINIMA)   - Saga Héroïque le jdr pour créer des épopées centrées sur les motivations et les relations des personnages.
Flotsam - à la dérive dans l'espace   - Un jeu de rôle narratif de marginaux vivant dans les entrailles d'une station spatiale
venture   - a game of introspective heroic fantasy.
THE REJECTED: A GALATIC PLAYBOOK   - a galactic playbook for the unwanted
Pasión de las Pasiones   - Jeu de rôle d'émotions, d'intrigues et de romance, émulant les telenovelas.
Galactic 2e: The Droid Expansion   - a droid-focused expansion for Galactic 2e [free copies always available]
If you like Random Table check out...
What does your magic look like?   - a collection of random tables for generating manifestations of magic
SPROUTS ~ RPG   - Hand-drawn creatures travel across real-life terrain in this lighthearted adventure ttrpg.
Storm Raiser the Righteous Sword   - Or 4d20 other ways to 
name your weapon
d100 reasons you miss an attack   - One of your players rolled a 4 – how are you going to describe what just happened? Look no further.
4d20 Swords which are not +1   - Random tables for making a great exciting sword for your TTRPG
Sports are Just Numerology   - A 2 athlete story told through numbers.
Hearsay's Herbal   - A magical book of plants and their uses.
Time To Kill   - You've got time to kill, before it's time to kill.
Enter the Forest   - A Setting and Encounter Generator Pamphlet
.dungeon   - An alternate reality table top roleplaying game.
Slayers   - Monster hunting in a cursed city.
LUMEN   - Build action packed, illuminated RPGs