The game features different settings for you to play as, such Holiay Helping Elf (HHELF) or Retail
Vaampire The Masquerade (RVM). You can customize the characters by choosing their appearance and
personality traits from a pre-set list of options. In addition, there are several modifiers that
affect gameplay: 1.) Cheer Meter - A random element that adds excitement to each character roll,
making it more fun for everyone at the table! 2) Holiday Bonuses – You can earn holiday bonuses by
performing certain actions or completing challenges during game sessions; these bonus points will
add up and give you extra rewards throughout your playthrough. 3.) Cheer Meter (for players): The GM
rolls a random number on his dice to determine if he has the presence of cheer that is required for
this modifier in each player's turn! This can make it more exciting, as everyone plays with their
own unique cheers at different times during play sessions and they add up throughout your
playthrough. 4.) Holiday Bonuses (for GMs): In a game session where you roll the dice to determine
an outcome or action taken by one of the players in response to another player's character
performing something, any holiday bonuses earned will be added together for all
5.00 (from 1 reviews)