Rat's in Space is an adventure where players play rats on board their spaceship trying to find
Veliendiain Cheese that has been hidden away by another group of rats who are obsessed with cheese,
and must be stopped at all costs. The game includes a GM-less system for quick decision making as
well as tables inspired by the mechanics found in Pool: Mechanic - A 6D6 pool is rolled to resolve
questions while success or failure determines whether Rats will lose their cool. 9) Rat's on Mars
(PDF): This one page RPG focuses on rats who have gone exploring after accidentally being shipped
off Earth, and are now stranded with no means of transportation back home as they attempt to survive
in a new environment: the red planet! Players take control over individual characters trying to find
food sources or work together towards survival.10) The Endeavour (PDF): This one-page RPG follows a
colony of rats who have found themselves on board an ancient cruise ship, called "The Endeavor", and
must survive in this space station environment before they can be rescued by their home planet's
forces. Players take control over the actions of individual rat characters as well as work towards
common goals like surviving through various hazards (such as hunger or hostile robotic
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