Spirit of The Century is a pulpy roleplaying game based around Fate system and created by Ken Hite
that was released in 2006 with an extensive amount of advice on how to run games. It focuses heavily
on player-friendly mechanics, universal GM guidelines for running RPGs successfully as well as solid
gameplay principles like combat being the most colorful seen during cinematic roles. The book is a
great toolkit for making other gamers better at roleplaying and runs about 60 pages long with
comprehensive information that will be very helpful to new players who want more out of their games.
Spirit also offers an easy-to-follow system, which has been praised by many reviewers in the RPG
community since its release as well as a solid setting created from Atlantis' conquest where Mad
scientists have made incredible discoveries and even played god with some otherworldly powers that
will add to your gaming experience when you play this game.
4.00 (from 1 reviews)