A tabletop RPG set in a post-apocalyptic city of the future where time travelers can cause
incredible violence to anyone they choose at any point during their life cycle by using punches that
create space and shatter reality, making them an unstoppable force with superhuman strength capable
of breaking through barriers. HEART The City BeneaTh - Character Creation & Background Options:
* Playable character classes include PugiList, Enforcer (who excels in melee combat), Stealth
Hunter/Rogue Master (disguise and stealth are key skills for them to survive the city's dangerous
environment) and more. * Each background option allows players to gain unique abilities like
enhanced reflexes or even super strength from training with an iron-clad disciple of time, space,
incredible violence by creating scars in their mind that grant superhuman powers such as increased
perception range (with "time" backgrounds), the ability for attacks and effects related to
magic/energy to be added directly into weapons & armor. * The story is set within a post
apocalyptic city called Heart Beneath Tear where time travelers can cause incredible violence by
punching scarred areas of space-and reality in an effort to prevent future disasters from happening,
with the ultimate goal being for one player character (or
5.00 (from 3 reviews)