The Magus is a solo role-playing game that focuses on the player's quest for power and mastery of
arcane magic. The cost to achieve such ambition can be quite high, but it serves as an unforgettable
experience in which players sacrifice themselves through events with various obstacles set by
powerful deities or creatures from mythology like Titans who guard hidden treasures containing rare
gemstones worth a significant amount that could help the protagonist gain more powers.The Magus is
also designed for solo gamers to test their skills and creativity, delivering quality content beyond
what they ever imagined due in part to its dedication toward storytelling through different events
involving powerful beings or gods as well-being awards like The Diana Jones Award given by Momatoe's
on behalf of a game being created.The Magus was developed by MamaToeS with the help from Emerging
Designer and released in 2022, after receiving recognition for their work at an Italian fair called
Carbuneri Ludiche where it has been awarded to them as well-received content within its own quality
standards set here:
5.00 (from 6 reviews)