The game "Fabless in Dark Streets" (FIDS) is set within a world where magic and technology clash,
creating fantastic creatures that interact with each other's aesthetics from the 1950 era. In this
role-playing experience you will be immersed into an alternate reality of dark alleyways ruled by
orcs and goblins who maintain their superiority over elves while humans try to surpass them in order
to gain power on top of a world where magic is believed not exist anymore. You can create rich
characters with unique motivations, use weapons ranging from firearms down to crossbows that have no
recoil rules for players' convenience using various items such as pistols and more advanced ones
like revolvers which may be used by the director/director-in-charge exclusive group of a meeting
place called Dienes y Balas. The game is available free at ITCHIO's website, but access to basic
rules can only come from reading them directly on this page or clicking an arrow button for revolver
owners who have manual copies exclusively intended as Directors and their administrators' meetings
in limited groups with exclusive areas named "Dienés" (languages) y Balas.A short summary of Fabless
in Dark Streets:
5.00 (from 5 reviews)