Note: the Electric Zine Maker file above requires at least 8 pages, so that's both of the zines: the instructional zine and the blank critter zine. These are typically in two separate zines, with the fourth digital page being the back cover of the instructional zine, the fifth digital page being the cover of the blank critter zine, and the final page being the back page of the blank critter zine.
Become a Zebra Finch Zinester ($3) or higher on our Patreon before August 24th to get this game for free!
Support Critters for EVERYONE!
Have you ever wanted your own (imaginary) cheerleader? Or someone to fire you up and help get things done? How about someone to just listen to your problems?
Well here: have some magic so you can summon support critters to help you out. Your imagination is the limit! You can even summon critters to help friends and loved ones, too.
Just name them, draw them, fill out some information about them, and you'll have your own little booklet all about them ? Then give the booklet to someone if the critter is a gift, or keep it somewhere you'll see to empower yourself. Write down how the critter helps you throughout your life on the back to empower your bond and live your best life ✨
Files and Stuff
The zines file, which requires payment or a community copy, includes five zines: both the instructional zine and the blank critter zine in color as well as black and white. There's also a copy of the instructional zine with the black-and-white cover in case someone wants to color them in :D
If there are no community copies and you don't want to pay, email us at and we'll give you a key. But also note that you can read the full zine above, and you're