
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

Treasure Box
Today you will find treasure and keep it safe. The explorer will wander around their home, thinking of a childhood feeling, then find an item that reminds them of that feeling. The item will be catalogued, placed in a treasure box, and left there for another day.
5.00 (from 3 reviews)
These games are similar to Treasure Box ...
Beloved   - A solo journaling game about playing a beloved childhood toy.
Keepers of the Cards   - a game of childhood, magic, and friendship
Cordelia Needs A Kingdom   - A solo journaling experience about childhood, exploration and finding your own safe place.
Gambols of Fior   - A #SWORDDREAM inspired by childhood and wonder.
Starlight   - A game about  finding your way home.
I Know My God   - a solo journaling rpg about finding yourself
Into the Glacier   - A Solitary Game of Exploration, Wonder, and Peril
Elf Genders   - Roll Tables for RPG Worldbuilding
In The Sea-Woods   - a forest full of wonder
Tunnel Goons   - An analog adventure game for nice people
Alone on a Map   - A solo ttrpg map making game
Ikigai : One Tiny Life   - The wonders of a whole lifetime, in a single game session.
Treasure Box is similar to...
Gambols of Fior   - A #SWORDDREAM inspired by childhood and wonder.
The Hermit/The World   - A game about finding yourself alone, and finding yourself, alone
Cordelia Needs A Kingdom   - A solo journaling experience about childhood, exploration and finding your own safe place.
What Do the Flowers Say?   - A solo game about finding what is lost.
In The Sea-Woods   - a forest full of wonder
a ir bu r st   - a finding game for one to fifteen players
Keepers of the Cards   - a game of childhood, magic, and friendship
CALL YOUR EXES   - A solo rpg about speaking words into the past.
Kid Impossible // KAIJUZINE   - A game for 2+ players, about childhood dreams and trying to save the world in spite of it all.
A Knife to Your Throat   - childhood friends to enemies to...?
Beloved   - A solo journaling game about playing a beloved childhood toy.
Ikigai : One Tiny Life   - The wonders of a whole lifetime, in a single game session.
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Ribbons: A Setting Guide for Masks   - Magical girls fighting evil and schoolwork.
Scoundrels Versus Scoundrels   - An ultralight, GMless, press-your-luck style extralegal mayhemfest for 2-6 players
COURAGE   - A Solo Carta RPG about defeating Evil
Our Stormy Present   - Join together to fight the forces of Empire aboard your Airship
What's So Cool About Lucha Libre?   - A rules-lite Borderpunk RPG about superheroic luchadores fighting evil for 1 GM and 1+ players.
Rojo Kumite   - A TTRPG about unethical underground fighting.
Sepulchre   - Steal from the rich in this sawn-off version of the Resistance system.
The Fires of Chaterra: One Shot Edition   - One Night Worlds: Wake the slumbering king before the kingdom burns
GrimBlade RPG   - A light and fast-paced roleplaying game of adventures and stories set within an implied Grim Fantasy world.
HELM   - A game of dark fantasy and bloody combat
Heaven / Hell   - A Fighting TTRPG
Push SRD   - A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games
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Blighted Merman - for MÖRK BORG   - A character class for MÖRK BORG
Suffering Extended - A MÖRK BORG Supplement   - Alternative rules and additional content compatible with MÖRK BORG
Dire Hunter - for MÖRK BORG   - A character class for MÖRK BORG
Rage Rain - Weather for MÖRK BORG   - Angry weather for MÖRK BORG
Landlocked Buccaneer   - A character class for MÖRK BORG
The Lost Keeper   - A class for Mörk Borg
Rotting Recalcitrant   - A character class for MÖRK BORG
Mutated Goblin   - A Class for (Compatible with) Mörk Borg
Death's Head at a Feast   - New enemies and an additional ability for Mörk Borg
The Origin of My Depression - Album Crawl   - An adventure for MÖRK BORG
Powderburned Scoundrel   - Play With Fire
Isbjörn   - A Mörk Borg beastcrawl inside a giant polar bear.