Title of Game/Book is "Dear Great Cthulhu," which involves tabletop roleplaying game about the poor
human beings chosen as Herald by ancient aliens called the Old Ones in their world where they have
supernatural abilities that come with some drawbacks such as not knowing much about biology,
psychology and laws. The players are being granted powers but it's also a problem because there will
always be more power given to them leading to inconvenient situations due to time passing making new
appendages grow or strange talents which make the game less enjoyable for those playing it. It is
funded on Kickstarter as part of "ZineQuest 3" and published by Avery Aldeir, who created an engine
called Belonging Outside Belongiung (BOB) used in this RPG book that contains Herald Playbooks to
play through their powers along with community development workshop and rules for generating extra
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